I enjoy following the International news and as for this week, yes it has been a big dose of doom and gloom where ever you look. Actually by the end of the week I was seriously thinking not to connect to my favourite news website. Finally I got the message and said "Paulene stop, enough is enough, just focus on being happy and positive, switch off those negative vibes, they are not helping anyone". I know I am not the only who has this trail of thoughts.
This weekend has been super weather, sunny blue skies and perfect temperatures. I decided to walk down to our local market accompanied by my 15 year old son, he loves the market. After browsing through some stalls I met up with a local artist, a lovely lady called Savannah Grace, I am sure she will not mind me mentioning her. Savannah sells these beautifully hand printed original etching cards, really they are so attractive and I enjoy buying her work to send as special message presents. You see the cards are so versatile they have more than one use, after the occasion of the card then the original etching can be framed.
Well to cut a long story short, Savannah said "I am fed up with all this negative talk" she was hearing from the other stall holders. I agreed with her 100%, it’s not that we want to wear rose coloured glasses and put our heads in the sand, but, and that’s a big but, we are forgetting to enjoy life, the simple pleasures like laughing and looking at all the beauty around. Savannah said “you know the sun shines for everyone and the rain pores for everyone". In fact we have a lot in common Savannah and I because we are both creative in our own fields and we almost need to be in an “alpha mode” to work, there's no place for doom and gloom. We are saying no to being programmed by the media.
Okay what have I been up to this week well I have been busy with a topic called “Learning to Write”. This involves producing some straight forward guidelines to explain to young children the fundamentals of achieving textual media, the written form of communication. I am not going to say more, you will just have to wait until next week ....
Until later, enjoy yourself and stay focused !
Delta Makes the Difference
1 week ago
Hi, I am not reading blogs(..), just trying to get a few more names on the petition! Here is the online petition against PETA, please sign it. Sorry you have to copy and paste it!http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/autismPETA/index.html
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